Flemish media sector joins forces for new cross-media measurement system

Flemish media sector joins forces for new cross-media measurement system

Together with the media companies, the Flemish Government is investing in a new cross-media measurement system that should provide better insight into media use in Flanders.

The new system will combine data from linear media channels, social media, media websites and apps. The new system will measure the consumption of audio, video, sites and socials on all screens for the same media user.

The system must ensure that local media companies can respond more quickly to the wishes of the user and thus be able to respond to the increasing dominance of international players. The project was approved by the Flemish Government and is now submitted to the European Commission.

The media landscape is changing rapidly: more and more people are reading their news or looking for their entertainment online. Platforms are changed very often and more and more quickly: for example, a video is viewed linearly on television, online via the app or via social media.

Today, the local players lack measuring instruments to have a good overview of the needs and usage habits of the consumer. For example, large international (social) media companies shield their data, which creates an imbalance in the media sector. This has an impact on the overall competitiveness of the local players. That is why it is essential to have a good overview of the media behavior of the users.

To provide an answer to this, the media companies, together with the Flemish Government, are joining forces to work on a new cross-media measurement system. A consortium will be set up for this purpose, which will be responsible for the development and implementation of the new measurement system.

How should the new system work?

Media research is currently being set up per medium by the Center for Information about the Media (CIM). But content is increasingly distributed and consumed across different media platforms.

Let's take programs such as The Voice, De Mol or Dertigers as an example. Watching those programs on the big screen in the living room is measured via the CIM TV panel. But there may also be a video fragment of these programs on hln.be or newsblad.be. This is then measured via the digital CIM Internet measurement. If someone shares the clip on Facebook, it's Facebook that counts how many times it's shared. Because all these studies use different methods and interview different people, it is not possible to compare all these results and to get an overall picture of the strength of certain content, in the example, how The Voice, De Mol or Dertigers live and are experienced about all media.

The only good solution to this problem is to (also) measure all media on the same people, in one panel and with the same method. In this way, it is possible to map out how media users move across different media platforms (cross-media) and media brands throughout the day, say what their so-called “media journeys” are. Example: Someone who reads the newspaper online in the morning via a news app, then surfs social media via smartphone, then listens to the radio in the car and in the evening watches a Streamz series with the family.

The system not only provides an overall picture of media use, but additional data is also released:

The new method makes it possible to measure which streaming platforms are used, such as Streamz, vrtnu, vtm go, GoPlay, but also Netflix. This is impossible in the classic viewership survey.

For radio, the figures will be available soon after broadcast and by the minute, allowing program makers to evaluate every part of the program immediately and quickly adapt it to the needs of the consumer.

The total reach of events, for example, a football World Cup, can be accurately mapped. At the moment, for example, people who follow competitions outside the home (in squares, cafes, etc.) are not registered.

With regard to reading (magazine and newspaper content), journalists, who increasingly present news and information in different formats, need to better understand who consumes where, when and what information and which format is most suitable depending on the context. The measurement system provides insight into the interaction between reading “on paper” and the digital use of the news and magazine brands and the distribution via social media.

All these extra insights will significantly improve the media experience of the Flemish consumer. On the basis of the new overall picture, informed and strategic choices can be made. Content will be better distributed and found. Consumers also get a better ad experience with better frequency control, higher targeting and greater relevance. Advertisements will be experienced as less disruptive.

The consortium was named XMC (for CrossMedial Consortium) and consists of ten parties: Ads & Data, DPG Media, Mediafin, Mediahuis, Non-public regional television association Vlaanderen (NORTV), Roularta Media Group, SBS Belgium, Vlaamse Audiovisual Regie (VAR ), Flemish Radio and Television Broadcasting Organization (VRT) and WE MEDIA. Both the large and smaller Flemish media are therefore represented. The Flemish Government is contributing 4 million euros to the project from the 'Vlaamse Veerkracht' relaunch funds, the media groups themselves invest 1.7 million euros.

The project is now being notified to the European Commission. They will thoroughly study and evaluate this file. If the green light is given, the project is expected to start next year.

Benjamin Dalle, Flemish Minister of Media: “This project is a real game changer for Flemish media groups. It provides a powerful response to the increasingly dominant position of major international players in our media sector. It is a very strong signal that the media players are joining forces for this so that the Flemish consumer can continue to enjoy current, relevant content. Only by working together can we keep the media sector relevant and financially viable with us. This is relaunch pur sang : the corona crisis has once again shown that current revenue models are under pressure. We turn this challenge into an opportunity. We hope for a quick green light from Europe so that we can get started.”



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