Traditional media brands most trusted in UK amid corona virus crisis

Traditional media brands most trusted in UK amid corona virus crisis

BBC, Sky News and Guardian remain the most trusted sources of information in UK during the Corona virus crisis as consumers lean more towards traditional media brands and live TV according to the latest study from the Havas Media Group.

Media consumption has grown during the Covid-19 pandemic with live TV, social media, VOD, newspapers and streaming gaining viewership even as out of home media and cinemas record low numbers, the Havas Media Group’s Covid-19 Media Behaviours Report notes.

The report that polled 1,478 UK respondents noted that 64 per cent of those in the survey preferred BBC as a factually correct source of information about Covid-19.

Media consumption among young people in the 18 to 24 age bracket has also grown nationwide with a 60 percent rise in streaming, 58 per cent growth in Video on demand use and 29 per cent jump in newspaper readership, a departure from the past.

Social platforms have equally attracted attention of British media consumers with Facebook and Whatsapp topping the list of most preferred outlets.

33 per cent of respondents said they had been using Facebook more than usual, while 28 per cent said they had increased their use of WhatsApp.

Eva Grimmett, Chief Strategy Officer, Havas Media Group: “This study really highlights the role that trusted, meaningful media play in times of crisis. While most channels have seen an increase in consumption in response to Covid-19, our research reveals a much greater reliance on live TV and a need for trusted news brands such as the BBC. We’re looking forward to seeing how this behaviour develops as the situation evolves in the coming weeks.”

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