Content Marketing Awards 2023 | Winnaar GOUD Campagnes en ZILVER B2C - Cheil: Frequency voor Samsung

Content Marketing Awards 2023 | Winnaar GOUD Campagnes en ZILVER B2C - Cheil: Frequency voor Samsung

Deze inzending van Cheil won op 28 november in Beeld en Geluid een GOUDEN award in de categorie Campagnes bij Content Marketing | The Awards. Ook mocht het team een ZILVEREN award mee naar huis nemen in de categorie B2C.

Jury-oordeel: "Campagne die aansluit op ‘Do what you can’t. Een bestaand groot merk met bijbehorend budget, met een even groot afbreukrisico. De jury vindt de case overtuigend, slim gedaan voor een verspreide doelgroep die lastig te bereiken is. Effectief ingespeeld op een behoefte die ontstaan is na het verdwijnen van The Voice en goed doorontwikkeld met onder meer een podcast en albums van de winnaars bij partner Top Notch."

Elevator Pitch

Capitalizing on the decline of traditional talent shows among Gen Z, Samsung spurred the ultimate opportunity to let your talent go viral in the music scene. In collaboration with artist Delany, we created an unfinished track on TikTok, inviting anyone with a phone to give it their creative spin. Two winners were invited to transform their TikTok entries into the official music release of the song, kickstarting their music careers.


Our challenge was to increase brand awareness for Samsung and, in particular, for the Galaxy Buds2 by at least 3%, while adhering to their brand's 'Do What You Can't' mentality. We aimed to reach the Gen Z audience (aged 16-24), a demographic that has proved resistant to overt commercial messages.


At the time of the campaign, we noticed a cultural shift in how young people viewed talent shows. Generation Z turned away from traditional talent shows, which were considered old-fashioned and and scandalridden, and were instead finding success and expression through social media platforms like TikTok. This cultural shift was our starting point for positioning Samsung as a brand that drives this story: you don't need much to get started on your dream; With talent, the right mindset and a little bit of technology, anyone can do
what they can't.

Strategie | Aanpak | Resultaat

We created the ultimate opportunity to let your talent go viral, by partnering up with famous artist Delany. She dropped an unfinished track, called Frequency (inspired on the Galaxy Buds2) on TikTok. Anyone could put their creative spin on it, using the TikTok duet mode, only needing a phone and some earbuds to enter.

The campaign crescendoed as two winning contributors were invited to officially record their pieces at Delany’s studio, transforming their TikTok entries into an official music release. We partnered up with record label TopNotch to give the young artists exposure across all key channels in the music industry, kickstarting their music careers.

To fuel the creative process, we revealed a 'deleted verse'—a glimpse into Delany's creative perspective on the unfinished piece. We invited famous singers to craft their renditions, amplified the unique versions from participating talents, and even featured on podcasts to further spotlight and appreciate the diverse creative offerings Gen Z conjured.

From day one, we saw a tidal wave of submissions, leading to an unprecedented level of organic interaction. Resulting into 32 million views, 1.2 million Spotify streams and an engagement rate of 7%. The campaign sparked social conversations about the democratization of music stardom. The success of our young winners releasing their own albums from TikTok is a testament to this transformative journey. This earned Samsung considerable success, evidenced by a 5% increase in sales.

Dit is een inzending voor de Content Marketing Awards 2023

De Content Marketing Awards vormen een grootse en feestelijke erkenning voor de beste contentmarketingcases, de beste expertise op gebied van creatie en distributie en de beste mensen en partijen in het vakgebied.

Binnen elk van de vijf award-categorieën wordt door de vakjury een Bronzen, Zilveren en Gouden Award toegekend. De beoordeling van de cases richt zich op de samenhang tussen briefing, strategie, aanpak en resultaten met substantiële aandacht voor consistentie en lange-termijn inzet die eigen is aan contentmarketing.

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