[Forum] Dutch Media Week: Centrale Datakluis

[Forum] Dutch Media Week: Centrale Datakluis

Nu er steeds meer data openbaar beschikbaar of via WOO-verzoeken zijn op te vragen, rijst ook steeds vaker de vraag hoe al die data veilig bewaard kunnen worden. Zeker ten aanzien van persoonsgegevens laten sommige systemen te wensen over

De datakluis. Dit ambitieuze initiatief pleit voor de mogelijkheid van een figuurlijke kluis, waarin de gegevens van iemand opgeslagen worden, waarvan alleen de consument zelf de sleutel heeft. Het gaat daarbij met name om het beschermen van allerlei trackinggegevens, waarvoor webshops en andere bedrijven betalen om jou gepersonaliseerde advertenties voor te kunnen schotelen. Het doel van de datakluis is het teruggeven van de regie over data waar het volgens de initiatiefnemers thuishoort: de consument.

Hoe denk jij over zo’n centrale datakluis?

Bas Vlugt, oprichter Marketing Report

Dat is in de basis natuurlijk een geweldig idee. Maar de kluistechnologie is natuurlijk ook van een partij. Een partij die zelf ook weer aansprakelijk is. Komt hier het Tech Ministerie weer om de hoek kijken waar Victor Knaap al zo lang voor pleit?

Rodger Werkhoven, Executive Creative Director iO

CENTRALIZE? No, me too old-fashioned and risky concept, value in 1 place. Just the word safe. If I were a hacker, I'd run my autoGPT bots on those kinds of centralized data vaults: A.I. working tirelessly hard to crack those vaults, while I sit in my mostly Bitcoin -or other blockchain crypto-paid apartment with my nerdy friends drinking cocktails and spinning old vinyls on my 80s Technicsen.

I believe that the smartest way to fragment valuable data is so miniscule, and spread it over a gigantic area and defragrementize it with a body key if necessary. No one knows, or suspects, or can access it, because: where? My electrons? DECENTRALIZING is what nerds - wiser of e.g. crashing centralized NFT hosts - are doing now. I say: Reclactors - physically and virtually - call it that in view of a growing increasingly anxious target group of elderly people.

I also say: follow the nerd, or Jobs' 'crazy ones'. Until long after the introduction of the Commodore 64, rudimentary internet, open source programming language Phyton and more recently GPT models, DALL•E and everything Diffusion were laughed at. But not anymore, right?

David de Jong, editor Marketing Report

Data vault sounds nice and beautiful. But it is all in the elaboration of these kinds of proposals and then it quickly becomes complex and politically complicated.

As soon as commercial parties start working on it, you get hassle.

The Dutch Data Vault Foundation wanted 50 million euros from the National Growth Fund, which includes Prince Constantijn of Orange, but initiators Martijn van Dam and Arno Otto have so far been unable to obtain funds for this.

This foundation is mainly of commercial market parties (RTL Nederland, DPG Media, Mediahuis, Talpa Network) and the NPO. The question is is is that possible with such an organization given those commercial objectives? Do those parties want that at all because the customers are ultimately theirs, including the data. DPG Media has already developed its own digital ecosystem for advertisers.

You can try to arrange it at the front with a data vault (with a lot of hassle about who owns that data, who manages it, what is allowed / not allowed etc), but also with regulations as it is so far.

Flanders has also come a long way with a digital ID and a data vault that the government itself organizes. Why invent the wheel when it already exists?

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Gepubliceerd door: Bas Vlugt


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