Mark Schoones: Why I’m helping to build Twenty Two, a new agency focused on employers

Mark Schoones: Why I’m helping to build Twenty Two, a new agency focused on employers

More people-stuff. After a rough and rowdy 2023, this was the goal for my next career move. So... what world can one dive into as a pen-wielding people-stuff yearning merchant of marketing? Well; the world of Twenty Two. Let me explain.


For years I’ve been creating brands and campaigns that sell anything ranging from craft beer to smartphones to cars. It was hella fun. But it was often product-driven and consumer-focused. Short-termism was, ironically, always around the corner.

Let's make one thing clear from the get-go; this is not a 'Consumer marketing is evil'-shtick. Quite to opposite. I’m a writer at heart that became an adman by trade and I love and have loved every second of it. But looking back on years of creatively leading agencies on consumer-focused marketing services, I felt it was time to broaden my horizon a bit. You know; more people-stuff.

Side note: everyone framing this as a prelude to a lingering midlifecrisis; I see and am stubbornly ignoring you. I also can’t afford a Porsche (yet or ever).

Over diner with my former boss and dear friend Slaven, I heard myself repeat my abstract ambition. What did I want to do next in my career? Just more people-stuff. I didn’t knew it yet. But the idea was there, lying on the table between empty wine glasses and plates. That idea starts its reality today.

Introducing Twenty Two

I’m excited to announce that we’re launching Twenty Two; an agency that focuses on helping employers navigate the talent business. See; people want great places to work. Organisations want the best people. But those people are becoming harder to find and even harder to hold onto. Talent is scarce and the job opportunities are aplenty.

The world of work is transforming, as is the dynamic between employers and employees. And that isn’t going to change anytime soon. Forget the so-called and overly dramatically phrased ‘war on talent’. It's simplifying a problem that's much more layered and way less absolute in its outcome.

Employers don't just need to hunt for talent to win

Employers don't just need to hunt for talent to win. They need to create a great environment suited for growth. From brand positioning to recruitment operations to job advertising to internal comms. Your vision, ambition and promise as an employer needs to be felt throughout every part of the talent chain.

At Twenty Two we want to help employers position themselves in this ever-challenging job market, find new talent and keep their best people. And we’re not doing it alone. Our agency is backed by The Works, the organisation behind brands like YoungCapital, NEXT and numerous others with services spanning across the worlds of recruitment, and job media. With such a people powerhouse in our corner, I’m confident we can help any employer out there.

So, sales-push incoming, if you’re part of an organisation that has employer branding, recruitment marketing or other people-stuff related challenges. Our website is live and we’re doing the rounds.

Oh, and follow Twenty Two on LinkedIn. All hail the algorithm.


Mark Schoones is Creative Director of Twenty Two


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