Philips unveils portal for digital exchange of patient data

Philips unveils portal for digital exchange of patient data

Philips has launched an online portal that allows Dutch hospitals to seamlessly share Cobid-19 patient data among themselves as efforts to keep the pandemic at bay escalates.

Partnering with Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, Jeroen Bosch Hospital in 's-Hertogenbosch the Philip is betting on the digital initiative to optimize the use of healthcare resources.

The portal assists in the seamless transfer of infected patients between hospitals to avoid local overload in critical care units. Since being launched in late March, about 95 per cent of Dutch hospitals have already been connected to the portal that is essentially not connected an individual’s Electronic Patient Dossier, Picture Archiving and Communication System or pathology department systems. Instead, specific information, such as a patient’s radiology images, reports and patient summary is shared through the portal.

The information is then directly available to a receiving hospital provided the originating hospital and the patient have consented to that sharing. To guarantee safety of medical data exchange, the portal complies with the ISO27001 information security standard and the Dutch NEN7510 standard, which is specifically designed for information handling in the healthcare sector.

Simon Vermeer, CIO, Erasmus Medical Centre: “I am extremely proud that we were able to implement this portal together with the government, Jeroen Bosch Hospital and Philips in this short term to support care for patients with COVID-19. In this time of crisis, Philips is offering a solution for sharing patient data between hospitals quickly and securely. Sharing patient data needs to be done in a secure way and the current solution is often to send a USB stick or DVD. I am extremely proud that we were able to implement this portal together with the government, Jeroen Bosch Hospital and Philips in this short term to support care for patients with COVID-19. I would also like to express my gratitude to the teams at all the organizations that have worked hard on this.”

Philips Interoperability Solutions built the new COVID-19 portal on top of its existing XDS Cloud document sharing service, which allows patient data to be sent digitally in a secure manner.


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