[Vacancy] Fitzroy has a position for Medior / Senior Strategist

[Vacancy] Fitzroy has a position for Medior / Senior Strategist

Fitzroy is directly looking for:

Medior / Senior Strategist

For us, distinct choices, smart insights and razor-sharp strategies are the basis for creative concepts. Well... that's what every agency says. But in the end, as a strategist you're often just fixing the flaws in the creative work. Not so at Fitzroy. Because our strategy department is the heart of the agency. With experienced strategists and the support of our own cultural insights and research department.

For years, this is how we have created many award-winning campaigns for our clients. For example, our golden Effie for Lay's, our latest SAN Accents for Naïf and Yumeko. Would you like to make a step up as a strategist and work at a small and ambitious agency in Amsterdam for leading (international) clients? 


Would you like to make a step up as a strategist and work at a small and ambitious agency in Amsterdam for leading (international) clients? Then please send your portfolio to: Derk - derk@fitzroy.nl or send an e-mail including your c.v. to jobs@fitzroy.nl.


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